Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

It has been a long time. Everyday I intend to start blogging again but there is a million things that seem to come in my way......or maybe it is just one thing that feels like a million? Either way, I am not going to mention any names.....


That being said, here I am, I did it!

I was fortunate enough to be given an IPad for Christmas and so I made the decision to switch from my original Blogger website to a Wordpress one, as there is an app allowing me to create posts right from my iPad.Yay! I'm hoping this convenience will make it easier for me to blog more often...(if not I will try to picture my daughters disappointed face for incentive)


So for now I will sign off and try to get back on track with my posts this week. Go me.

Happy New Year everyone!

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