Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tigerlilly Farm

The weather has been beautiful the last few days. This morning, we took advantage of the warm sun and went on a mini road trip up island to a little petting zoo called Tigerlilly Farm. There were adorable baby goats, smelly fat pigs, friendly pony's, a donkey named Jake, and a zillion chickens. Mya loved "talking" to the goats and watching all the other children running around. It was a nice way to start the day!

Tigerlilly Farm

The weather has been beautiful the last few days. This morning, we took advantage of the warm sun and went on a mini road trip up island to a little petting zoo called Tigerlilly Farm. There were adorable baby goats, smelly fat pigs, friendly pony's, a donkey named Jake, and a zillion chickens. Mya loved "talking" to the goats and watching all the other children running around. It was a nice way to start the day!

a little late but HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!

a little late but HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!