Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby, it's cold outside!

The weather hasn't been ideal for outside play lately. We are expecting a snow dump and it has been too cold to play outside longer then 20 minutes or so which means mommy has to find a lot of fun things to do inside.

The girls love being wherever I am in the house. Mya will play independently for up to an hour but Emry is good on her own only about a quarter of that time, so mostly I have a couple of girls wanting to be involved with whatever I am doing constantly. Although this can sometimes be tiring, frustrating, and make getting things done tougher, it truly is a good thing. Its important for them and important for me to spend this time, to slow down, and just be in the moment with my girls.


I try to have activities set up for Mya for when she wakes up in the morning and after her nap. She often is excited to try whatever I have ready for her and then usually goes back to playing with her favorite activities we have available to her all the time like coloring, puzzles and reading.

I saw this fun idea on Pinterest, and left it up for a few days as Mya enjoyed it a lot. It took her awhile to adjust to swinging the ball from different angles to knock all the blocks over. She couldn't wait play this with her daddy as soon as he was home from work.






We had some quiet time by playing with our transfer and pouring activity. I set up a bowl of salt and provided a cup and spoon and let her use it as she wished.



We also tried painting with spices which was neat. Mya enjoyed learning the different names of the spices and of course the different smells.




I love that Mya will go off and read to herself. She doesn't want to be interrupted when she does this. She just likes to sit and "read" to herself. Sometimes she wants you to sit with her and read your own book. She does this at least once a day.


Emry and Mya have some playtime together too. Emry loves any amount of attention Mya gives her but but with both being so young they don't really play together that often. Here is a nice moment where Mya decided to give Emry an "alphabet bath". I let the girls play alone for sometime then joined them and Mya and I took turns taking out letters and making their sounds.




sarah said...

i love that picture of mya and emry in the laundry baskets :) hope to see you guys soon! xo

Jen @ Peaceful Parenting said...

We are doing dominoes with the long unit blocks and are lowering our hanging ball to do this too! So glad to see you blogging again!