Monday, October 4, 2010

On our bookshelf...

Mya has just realized recently how much she loves books. Of course she loves us to read the same book over and over but I try to introduce news ones to her often (mostly for our own sanity). Here is what we have been reading lately.

Nothing better than a couple of classics. Mya doesn't sit still long enough for these two stories yet but they are mommy's favourites from when she was little so we try anyways :)

This is Mya's favourite. It was one of the first books we read to her and she has always liked it the best.

Sandra Boynton books are fun to read and cute. Mya loves when her daddy reads these to her because he makes funny voices.

Here are the newest additions to our shelf. A couple of Hallowe'en storiest to celebrate the season. Mya has a serious Elmo addiction so her Nana got her the last one.

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