Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Olympic Fever

Well the Vancouver 2010 Olympics have come and gone, and I am truly sad. I remember 7 years ago when it was announced that the Olympics were to be held in Vancouver. My mom woke me up to hear the announcement... honestly it didn't mean that much to me. I was happy, I guess, but didn't really care at the time.  Fast forward to present day, and I am thrilled that the Olympics were held here. I think we did a fantastic job and I have never felt so proud to be Canadian. Pat, Mya and I were fortunate enough to be part of it all. We did not go to any actual events, but we were part of the crowd which is rewarding all by itself. The vibe downtown Vancouver the past 2 weeks was nothing short of amazing! I am so glad we got to experience it first hand, and even though Mya wont remember it at all, I am glad we chose to take her just so she can say she was part of some great Canadian history.

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