Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our home - set up for learning and play

I haven't had a post on our home set up for quite some time and decided to update. Our home is not large and so staying organized and making use of space is important. For the most part I follow a Montessori prepared environment, but not in every aspect. I believe imagination, creativity and pretend play are hugely important in a child's development, which does not always mesh with some of the more traditional Montessori beliefs.

Our blocks and building area: Here we have Lego, Mega blocks, homemade tree blocks and Wedgits. We also have a bin of assorted blocks, towers, and a great train set that we bring out to play with often. On the shelf is also where we keep our books, which are rotated frequently.


The shelf in our play area does not have a specific theme. It switches from practical life, to puzzles and sensory bins. To the right is our felt board where we tell fairy tales or make up our own stories.


Our table is where lots of different things happen. I often have different activities for Mya to try set up on here. We also do lots of coloring and other crafts here. If Mya gets herself a snack or some water to drink, this is where she sits.


Our play kitchen: A favorite in the house. To the left is where we practice hanging socks and baby cloths, or hang a new painting to dry. On the right is bulletin board where we post different thing we are interested in, or pictures that apply to something we are learning about.


In the kitchen is a drawer Mya can get her cups, plates, bowls and utensils. She can get her own water and help herself to fruit throughout the day.


Mya's room: She has a bed on the floor she can easily get in and out of and make herself, although soon we will be getting her a bed frame as she is big enough to safely use and sleep on one. In her room is also where we keep a lot of her imaginary play toys, baby doll items, puppets, dress up bin and games.





Mya is able to pick out her clothes and pajamas from her drawers or closet. She also knows to put her clothes in her laundry hamper. She still needs help getting dressed but is getting better at that all the time. She has hooks by her door where she hangs her bath towel and school bag.



Emry is 6 months old. She has her own play corner with her toys. She has just become very good at sitting so she loves being in her corner reaching and playing with whatever is set out for her.


In her room everything is still rather simple. It is however set up for when she can crawl. It is a room at is safe for her to moe around in. Everything in her reach is safe items she can grab, play with and out in her mouth.




At this house we do not have much of a yard and it is shared. We have a small deck which has a table and chair for Mya and her play barbeque . However we are super lucky to be around the corner from the beach and a large playground. We walk there almost daily in about 2 minutes, and the girls absolutely love it. It is about another 4 months wait for warm weather, until then it's blankets and toques!



sarah said...

I love you and think you are an amazing mom! xo

Kezia said...

cant wait to come play! xo