Friday, September 9, 2011

Playing this week

Mya and I have been very busy this week taking advantage of Emrys now more consistant naptime routine. I made a Weather Board out of cardboard, felt and laminated pictures. Every morning we look outside and discuss what the weather is like. Its been pretty basic lately, sunny, windy, sometimes cloudy. We talk about the different seasons and sing songs like Mr. Sun which is one of her favourites.

We also made Clay-Dough and had fun making shapes and letters then baking them in the oven and of course painting them!

Clay-Dough recipe

2 cups white flour
2 cups salt
1 cup water
Food Coloring (optional)

Combing flour and salt and blend into smooth. Add 1/2 cup of water and mix. Gradually add the remaining water and continue mixing the dough. Form into a ball working in any dry flour and salt left in the bowl. Knead for approx. 5 mins.

To dry dough place on tinfoil covered baking sheet and bake at 250 degrees F for about an hour or until hard.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Yay! I love your website like crazycakes. I have a 25 month old and a 4 month old, and it is overwhelming to say the least. Thanks for the dough idea, we'll do it this week.