Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy busy busy and a baby!

I try to post twice weekly or at least once a week on my blog but lately I have been really struggling to find the time (and possibly the energy). I am currently 21 weeks along with our second baby and we found out yesterday we will be blessed yet again with a little girl! We are very excited! So bare with me as I try to find the time to blog and keep everything updated. Also, we are getting prepared to move into our first house so there is many things happening all at once but I will do my best! For now, here are some pictures from the past week or so...

OH! And I would also like to mention the blog name change. Sugar and Spice seemed appropriate seeing it will be a houseful of girls (and of course daddy). Enjoy your week everyone :)


Jen said...

Congrats on another little girl! Yay! I was wondering where you've been lately; glad everything is okay and I hope you get some of your time and energy back soon! Beautiful photos of Mya of course and as always. :)

An Irish Italian Blessing said...

Yay Congratulations!! Love the new header photo, Mya is just adorable!! I bet her sister is gonna be another beautiful girl.Sorry, I posted this under my husbands account so I deleted the comment : )