I have started trying more Montessori themed play with Mya this week. I can tell she enjoys the challenges, and I love watching her figure things out. Here are a few of the new things we did this week...
She loved putting the marble in and out of the containers. She played with this forever!
The water was fun for her, but it wasn't long before she just poured it all over herself. We will continue practicing pouring the water and transferring it between containers.
During our walks I usually hand her different plants and things we see. Mya isn't walking yet so I take her in her ride on car. She has started to point out specific plants, pine cones, or rocks she wants to look at. Then, if she decides they are worthy, she stores them in her cup holder, if not, she tosses them onto the sidewalk. I love watching her decide what stays and what goes.
Check out Childhood 101 to see how others played this week!
She does look like she is enjoying the marbles :) And isn't it interesting what little ones think is valuable or not? :)
I love the cup holder collection, gorgeous. Thanks for linking to We Play :)
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